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On the inside,

"I became so tired of feeling anxious all the time that I tried to take my life"

Beth lives with an anxiety disorder

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety means feeling worried, fearful or nervous. It’s natural to be anxious - but if the feelings don’t go away or have no particular cause, they can seriously affect your life.

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How many people experience anxiety disorders?

In the UK, 1 in 10 of us will be tackling the challenges of living with an anxiety disorder at any one time – that’s over seven million people.

People with anxiety disorders are just natural worriers

Some people do live with a constant feeling of anxiety, but the condition can also suddenly affect people who normally feel confident and in control. Sometimes, a single negative experience can trigger bouts of anxiety.

I’d find myself overthinking everything. I’d run the same thoughts through my head over and over again, analysing each detail so minutely.

Should people with anxiety disorders always avoid stressful situations?

People with anxiety disorders can often cope with stressful situations by managing their symptoms in different ways. You may feel that confronting fears or phobias can help you get over the anxiety they cause. And, with therapy, medication and self-help methods, it’s possible for anyone to manage their symptoms.

I’ve learned to take steps to manage it more effectively than ever before, so that it doesn’t overwhelm me.

Can you pick out some of the common symptoms of anxiety?

Pick as many as you think

These are all common symptoms of anxiety. To find out the other ways this condition can affect you, see below.

At what age are you more likely to be affected by an anxiety disorder?

General anxiety disorder is most common in people aged between 35 and 59. And women are twice as likely to be diagnosed, although this may be because they’re also more likely to ask for help.

Which of these activities is a good way to help reduce anxiety?

Pick as many as you think

It’s always better to open up about your feelings rather than ignore them. Whilst it may feel like alcohol reduces anxiety at first, alcohol actually stimulates the release of the stress hormone cortisol, meaning that overall it will increase your anxiety symptoms.

Exercise, a better diet, plenty of sleep and a relaxing activity like yoga are just some of the things that can help you manage anxiety.

Beth couldn’t go on living with her feelings

Read Beth's story


Anxiety Disorders