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Anxiety Disorders

Beth's Story

I’ve suffered with periodic bouts of anxiety on and off for a number of years. At my lowest point, I became so tired of feeling anxious all the time that I tried to take my life.

My symptoms

I’d experience a permanent feeling of dread. I’d wake up in the morning and I’d just feel immediately anxious. I’d also find myself overthinking everything. I’d run the same thoughts through my head over and over again, analysing each detail so minutely. It was incredibly tiring.

Beth got divorced and it increased her anxiety

My lowest moment 

My suicide attempt coincided with my divorce and my doctor changing my medication without notifying me. It was a perfect storm of symptoms. Eventually, I just woke up one day and felt tired of feeling so anxious. I took an overdose in an attempt to end the way that I was feeling. 

My way forward 

I’ve worked hard to get my life back on track. I’m on medication and have also really focussed on my CBT and talking therapies, but I remain aware of my illness. It’s important for me to put things in perspective, so that I can get a grasp of the situation and limit the effects of what might have turned into an episode of anxiety in the past.

Beth found talking therapy and CBT helped her anxiety

Why I’m sharing my story 

I’m well aware that I still have a journey to complete and anxiety may always be a part of my make-up. The medication that I use may be something I will be on for the foreseeable future. But I’m in a much different place than I have been in the past. I’ve learned to take steps to manage it more effectively than ever before so that it doesn’t overwhelm me.