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"I go through cycles of feeling low and then extremely high and overactive"

Yasmin lives with bipolar disorder

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can make your mood change dramatically - from feeling very depressed to experiencing what's called mania. These moods can last a short time, or for months – affecting every part of your life.

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People with bipolar disorder are just moody

The mood fluctuations experienced by someone with bipolar disorder are very different from the changes in mood that most of us experience. The highs and lows are extreme, can last for months and may leave you needing hospital treatment.

I’m prone to irrational or reckless behaviour. When manically high I once got engaged to someone within days.

Can you pick out some of the common symptoms of bipolar disorder?

Pick as many as you think

These symptoms can all be experienced with bipolar disorder. This mental health condition has a wide range of symptoms, which you can find out more about below.

Bipolar disorder makes you…

People with bipolar disorder can behave in an extreme way at times, but their reckless actions and poor choices make them more of a danger to themselves than others.

My manic spending and giving large amounts of cash to the homeless and people I felt sorry for was unsustainable, and I was at great risk of being exploited.

How do people with mania feel?

In the middle of a manic phase, you could experience all of these feelings.

You might have lots of energy for a while, but that can turn to feeling irritable, restless or out of control. Mania can even come with some of the highly distressing symptoms of psychosis.

How old are you likely to be if you develop bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder can affect you at any age, but you’re most likely to be diagnosed when you’re younger.

In 2014, 3.4% of 16 to 24-year-olds were diagnosed, compared to just 0.4% of 65 to 74-year-olds.

How many of us are likely to develop bipolar disorder if a close relative also has the condition?

You are up to 10% more likely to develop bipolar disorder if a close relative – such as a parent or sibling – also has the condition. However, there is no single gene responsible for bipolar disorder, which means there is no test to predict if you will develop the condition.

Yasmin’s feelings got completely out of control

Read Yasmin's story


Bipolar Disorder